Passion creates future

In addition to its products and services, a company's core values are reflected in its corporate philosophy.
This philosophy defines common goals, the concept of interpersonal dealings, and the company's vision and mission - both internally and externally.

Our vision

Long-term industry leadership in innovative product solutions.

Our mission

Further development and production of technology-based components in the passenger car and truck industries.

Our strategy

Close cooperation in product innovation with customers and suppliers. 

Focus on meeting the requirements of customers and end users. 

Continuous improvement in both production and process-oriented employee management.

Our values 

Within the oso precision family, we act and decide according to four core values.


Recognition, attention and mutual tolerance when dealing with colleagues, customers, and suppliers.


We are driven by our innovative spirit, creativity, teamwork, and our love of forging.


Honesty, comradeship and sincerity in our daily interactions with each other. 


We take responsibility for all our actions, whether inside or outside of oso precision.