Information security and privacy

Responsible action

We view information, knowledge and competence as important resources. To ensure their safekeeping, we have implemented measures to protect all sensitive information, especially personal data. Our information security management system is underpinned by our privacy policy, confirming our commitment regarding responsible conduct, while ensuring sustainable and continuously improvable protection. 

Objectives of information security management 

Our Information Security Management System (ISMS) is designed to protect information and data.
The safeguarding against threats, the proper operation of information processing during daily business, and the mitigation of undesirable effects in the event of a security breach, are all central components of our information security policy. 
Our information security management covers our own internal interests, as well as those of external parties.

Your contact

J. Hageboeck

Core elements of our information security management

Our information security management is characterized by three features:

  • Guaranteed information security in respect of confidentiality, integrity and availability 
  • The early identification and efficient treatment of potential risks
  • Continuous improvement

Special consideration: personal data 

Personal data receive special attention from us! The collection and processing of this data category is both purpose-based and legally compliant. In addition, the amount of data collected is always kept to a necessary minimum. Internal and external responsibilities associated with personal information are required to comply with the legal privacy policies.

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Commitment and partnership

Our information security and privacy management is developed and supported by all our organisation's employees. Everybody is aware of their responsibility; every single person makes a contribution!


We have appointed central contact personnel to deal with questions and answers on this topic, and they are clearly identified in our organizational structure. Successes and progress will be presented through complementary publications.